The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month. 公司计划本月在纽约开一家旗舰店。
These vegetables store in a wharehouse at temperatures below 20 ℃. 这些蔬菜贮藏在20摄氏度以下的仓库里。
He and his wife also own a retail wine store in Chicago. 他和妻子在芝加哥还有一间葡萄酒零售店。
Mel: then I got a magazine assignment in Australia and walked into a surplus store in Sydney. 梅尔:于是我在澳大利亚找了份杂志的工作。
At Apple ( AAPL) he worked with jobs to create the most profitable retail store in the world. 在苹果公司时,他又与乔布斯一道开创了全球利润最丰厚的零售店。
A first look at Apple's23,000-square foot store in New York's Grand Central Station. 纽约中央车站(GrandCentralStation)的苹果零售店开张,占地23000平方英尺(2136.77平方米),您可以点击这里一睹为快。
By the mid-1980s, bill and I had built the business into a dominant clothing store in Westport. 到了80年代中期,我和比尔已经将这家企业打造成了在韦斯特波特占据统治性地位的服饰商店。
This was outside the Apple store in Bath today. 巴斯的苹果专卖店。
It may be the biggest toy store in the world! 它可能是世界上最大的玩具店!
There is a large store in the village. 村里有家大百货店。
Makro is scheduled to open its eighth store in Beijing at the beginning of2008. 万客隆计划在2008年初在北京开设第八家门店。
He apple store in San Francisco, in memory of Steve Jobs. 美国三藩市的苹果专卖店门外都是贴满了纪念乔布斯的小纸条。
He told her to come to the store in a hurry. 他让她赶紧到店里来。
This sets the maximum potential size of a tuple which we will store in the cache. 这设置了将要存储在缓存中的元组的最大可能大小。
The Isolator uses a control field in the input to identify the customer tenant and applies the relevant security and partition logic to store in the correct place. Isolator在输入中指定一个控制域来确定使用客户,并应用相关的安全性和分区逻辑将它存储到正确的位置。
You are supposed to have four values to store in the status file. 您应该有4个值存储在状态文件中。
This parameter determines how many documents you can store in the original segment index and how often you can merge together the segment indexes in the disk. 这个参数决定了在Lucene的一个索引块中可以存放多少文档以及把磁盘上的索引块合并成一个大的索引块的频率。
The data we store in each menu item object is an array containing only one element: the name of the category. 我们储存在每个菜单项对象中的数据是一个仅包含一个元素的数组:类别名。
In a given program, the types of elements we use as keys, and the types of values we store in the hashtable, will not be arbitrary objects. 那么在给定的程序中,被用作键的元素类型和存储在散列表中的值类型,将不能是任意对象。
The info child element contains information about the store in general. info子元素包含关于花店的一般信息。
The value you store in$ TMPDIR is where GCC generates its temporary files. $TMPDIR中所存储的值表示GCC用来存放生成的临时文件的位置。
Obviously, each Destination has to have at least one persistent store in order to save its contents and its context data. 显而易见,每个目的地必须至少有一个持久存储区,以便保存其内容及其内容数据。
To collect information to store in this database, you must install the Warehouse Proxy agent. 要收集该数据库中存储的信息,您必须安装WarehouseProxy代理。
Setting a maximum limits the number of objects you can store in S3. 设置在S3中能够存储的对象数量的最大上限。
It creates a configuration and stores it in the configuration store in a new folder that Geronimo creates inside the Geronimo distribution's config-store folder. 它创建配置并将其存储在配置存储中,该配置存储位于Geronimo在Geronimo发行版的config-store文件夹中创建的新文件夹中。
Jazz provides a data warehouse, as well as an extensible mechanism for gathering information to store in the data warehouse at periodic times. Jazz提供了数据仓库,以及用于收集信息以按定期时间在数据仓库中进行存储的可扩展机制。
What will store in this data variable is an array of two elements: a horizontal header name and a vertical header name of a cell. 我们将在该数据变量中储存包含两个元素的数组:单元格的水平标题栏名和垂直标题栏名。
Then, we parse the character string into individual words and store in the computer memory as list. 然后,将字符串解析为单个单词并以列表形式存储到内存中。
Figure 4 illustrates the detailed content of a defect that we store in a text file. 图4演示了我们存储在文本文件之中的缺陷的具体内容。
You can see how using this mechanism enables you to influence the behavior of the ESB, and how it handles incoming requests based on policy definitions you store in the registry. 您可以看到使用此机制如何使您能够影响ESB的行为,以及它如何基于您存储在注册中心的策略定义对传入请求进行处理。